Friday, October 30, 2009

First Ladies

I find all the buzz about Michelle Obama quite interesting. I feel like she has almost become a bigger public figure than her husband. I have to say, that even though it is early in her term as first lady, I expected more from her. I love how she has been portrayed in the media as such a family woman and volunteer for so many worthwhile causes. I guess I just thought she would be a bigger advocate for legistlative changes pertaining to certain issues. I know it is not her job, and she probably does influence her husband a bit behind the scenes. I am just a little disappointed. I know she has been compared to both Jackie O. and Elenor Roosevelt. I see her mainly as a modern day Jackie O. She always looks amazing and is constantly in the public eye. The cameras love her.

She has graced this cover of the upcoming Glamour, though, and I am not impressed. I rarely see photos of Michelle where I don't want to run out and buy her outfit and get her hair cut. This cover does not evoke any of that in me. I love the color of the dress and the necklace. I want to like the silhouette--I usually love a full skirt--but, the part across her torso looks strange to me. And, what is with the pseudo-bowl cut! Her stance just looks awkward and forced. Glamour should have done her up right--this is a disgrace to the first lady.

Anyway, fashion aside. Let me talk about my true political inspiration--Hilary Clinton. Those of you who know me, know I am a huge Hilary fan. She will never have the mainstream appeal--or fashion sense--that the current first lady has, but she has some qualities that I have yet to see from Mrs. Obama. While Hilary may be what some would see as domineering, I think she has conviction. She has what it takes to make people listen, whether they agree or not. I believe she is a modern-day Elenor, rather than a Jackie--and that's what I like about her. Like Elenor Roosevelt, Hilary stands up for human rights. For Elenor, the big issue was housing. For Hilary, it's family services and healthcare. They both are primarily interested in equal treatment and quality of life for all mankind. Both faced attacks and mocking from the media, but each refused to be silent. I still contend that, under the Clinton administration, we had 2 leaders for the price of one. I was hoping the Obama administration would be the same. I have yet to see it, though. Maybe one of these days, I will stand corrected.

Disclaimer: I know not all of you reading this politically agree with me, I felt like my feelings should be made known.

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