Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Weight Loss Paradox

I feel compelled to share this interesting article on weight loss. As someone who has dealt with weighty issues my entire life, it felt like someone who has come full circle finally came to a genuine realization. I have seen how major weight loss can affect people (myself included) and distort their images of themselves. It makes me wonder if you can ever really overcome the feelings, might I even say self-hatred, regarding a once "plump" figure. I found this highly enlightening.

I have to make it clear, that unlike others I know who have dealt with major weight loss, I have never intended to get to a size 1, as the author here has. I have just wanted to be somewhat normal in size. I would like to be able to shop at mainstream stores, not have to classify my weight as "a little extra," and have more room in roller coaster and airplane seats. But, no matter what size I end up, I don't think that I will ever be able to live a life free of analyzing everything I eat and feeling guilty for not exercizing or consuming that dessert. That mindset is what I would really like to change, not just my size.