Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November is the month for Nervous Nelly's!

November is here. The stress has fully set in. This weekend, my maid of honor duties surge in a climactic finale at my high school friend's wedding. While it will be fun times, I am little nervous about getting everything done without a hitch! What an I say, I like things to be perfect?? At least (and I know the bride would agree), the weather is going to be absolutely beautiful this weekend. That is one less thing to worry about since the wedding is outdoors! Not to mention, Sunday is a big church day for my "church lady" mother. She and my dad are singing with their quartet at church, and my bro is leading the Lord's prayer for Disability Awareness and Organ Donation Sunday.

After my weary return to Nashville, Christmas Village commences. If you don't know about Christmas Village, you should just come to the fairgrounds and find out what it is all about. I am in charge of site management, and things don't seem to be going to smoothly for me this year. I will be really glad once Sunday after the Village rolls around. Don't get me wrong--I love being at the Village. The shopping, the Christmas tunes, the free samples--you can't beat it. It's the parking problems and moving 75 park benches that I can live without. Next year, it is definitely time to step down to a lower position on the board!

Three days later, my skills as a professional planner are to be tested. I take my AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners) exam on November 20th. A few months of studying just don't seem to amount to much right now. As every day passes, I seem to get more nervous. The embarrassment of possibly failing keeps me studying, but I am not very confident. I know that I know alot about the planning world, and my graduate work prepared me well for this test. However, it has been a few years since I graduated, and I am afraid my memory has been slacking. Any prayers you would like to pass my way would be greatly appreciated!

In midst of all the hoopla, I decided to keep it lively this past weekend with a 2-day Halloween celebration (which was followed by many hours of studying land use case law). Between the foam, the MC Hammer jackets, singing Miley to the Vanderbilt fans on the sidewalk, and learning the distinct difference between White Castles and Krystals from Wayne (my sorority sister's boyfriend) kept me highly entertained and distracted from my upcoming month of major events. Here are some photos from the weekend.

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